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I Hate Every High School I've Looked At.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 12:25 am
by Amphiptere
I hate them all. They all don't appreciate the one thing I have left: creativity. All the art programs are just copying. Even the most advanced art program in the so-called "art school" is just sitting there drawing still lifes and stuff! It's like they're trying to beat the creativity out of you. everybody says that I can work on my creativity at home but there's one problem with that: Nobody ever SEES the art I do at home! I scan it on the internet, post it on various websites, but still nobody ever looks at it. YES, I do need people to see my art. I'm not that self-confidentthat I can say 'Wow, I think this drawing is really good and I'm proud of what I've done regardless of what others think!'. And no, showin gyour Art to family and friends doesn't count. My family and friends are all too 'sensitive' to say anything if they don't like my Art, because they don't want to hurt my feelings.

Art is my life. I'm going to have a miserable life if I have to go through all of High School without creative Art!

And I have given still lifes and stuff a fair chance. I've been doing them for the past three years and I hate it! My drawing looks the same as everyone elses.

How can I choose what High School to go to if I really don't have a place in any of them?

Re: I Hate Every High School I've Looked At.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:53 am
by Brad
That's high school for you. It's a neccessary evil, though. Wait till post-secondary before you can get classes that appreciate art.

Re: I Hate Every High School I've Looked At.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:56 pm
by faith
maybe a arts boarding school would work best. most of them are really acredited. they are really good and top of the line. but u mau have to go out of state and i think they may be alota money but hopefully there would be scholarships available. let me know if u find anything! take care