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Alcatraz Media

by | Jan 2, 2009 | Sponsors

Alcatraz Media - Alcatraz, California

Since Fall of 1999, Alcatraz Media has been hosting HelpingTeens’s (Internet Relay Chat) IRC server. The staff of HelpingTeens would like to thank Ryan and Michael from Alcatraz Media for the donation of irc.HelpingTeens.org–our live chat server. Through the donation of this service we have been able to help countless thousands of teens through our live online chat sessions. Thank you for everything.

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We would like to thank and acknowledge SiteGround with providing us the template we've modified for our website. http://www.siteground.com


We'd like to thank ChronoEngine for providing the plugin to our Forms on our website. http://www.chronoengine.com


We would like to thank Carousel for creating very nice banners for HelpingTeens. If you would like to use these on your website, please visit the Link To Us section. July 22, 2006 July 24, 2006 July 24, 2006 July 24, 2006 July 24, 2006

Jacob Wilson (inziga)

We would like to thank Jacob for creating a very nice HelpingTeens poster on February 18, 2005. It is currently able to be downloaded in PDF format in the Posters & Flyers Section. His poster is very straght to the point, has a sleek design, good taglines, and has...

Dalia A. (Dolly)

We would like to thank Dalia for creating very nice banners for HelpingTeens. If you would like to use one of these on your website, please visit the Link To Us section. November 09, 2004 June 21, 2005 June 21, 2005 July 28, 2005 July 25, 2006 July 25, 2006 July 25,...

Ronnelle Mindrup (Zicca)

We would like to thank Ronnelle for creating very nice banners for HelpingTeens. If you would like to use one of these on your website, please visit the Link To Us section. July 14, 2005 July 14, 2005 We would also like to thank Ronnelle for creating a very nice...

Nicholas Marino

We would like to thank Nicholas Marino for donating the domain name 'advicecentral.org' to us on July 9, 2004. We now have it pointing to this website so that we have another entrance for teens who need help to reach us.

BYG Publishing

BYG Publishing donated 20 copies of "The Teenagers Guide To The Real World" in the year 2000. We would like to thank them for their very generous contribution.

Blair Jones

Thanks to Blair Jones for his very generous donation of Angel's Feather pins to the HelpingTeens staff in the year 2000. These were used as rewards for the staff's hard work. Thanks!


We would like to commend SexyMandy for her generous contribution to HelpingTeens in the amount of $20 USD on October 21, 2004 and we recognize her efforts which keep our community thriving. Thank you, SexyMandy, your donation is not just an investment in our site but...