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Sex, Sexuality & Pregnancy

What Will Others Think? Does it Matter?

This is an article for anyone who is unsure about their sexuality or are worried about what others will think about them if they were to tell the truth regarding their sexuality. Everyone's tastes are different and you cannot change yours! Some people realize that...

Your First Pregnancy.

Taken from: http://www.babyresource.com/pediatrician.htm Being pregnant for the first time can be a very exciting, yet scary time in a woman’s life. There are many physical and emotional changes, which occur with pregnancy. Understanding these changes will help you...

Pediatricians: When & How To Find One.

Taken from: http://www.babyresource.com/pediatrician.htm What is a pediatrician? The American Academy Of Pediatrics has what many consider to be the finest parenting book available, called "Caring For Your Baby And Young Child Birth To Age 5". In this book they have...

Condoms & Other Contraception Methods.

Condoms should always be used for sexual intercourse. They are available free from most clinics or for a small fee at all drugstores. They protect against pregnancy and prevent transmission of STD's (sexually transmitted diseases) such as HIV/AIDS. There are millions...

Signs Of Pregnancy Part 2.

You should be using some kind of protection. But anyways, here are some symptoms of early pregnancy. Nausea & Vomiting Nausea and vomiting may come as early as a week into the pregnancy. Many women experience illness in the morning (morning sickness), some in the...

My Experience with a C-Section.

Well my due date had passed, and that was the 22nd of February 2007. Here I am, going to my appointment for the 26th, hoping for some sort of news of when they could tell me to go into the hospital. My mother thought that I would have to go in for a C-Section, and...

Signs Of Pregnancy.

Some of the signs of being pregnant are: Pregnancy Sign Category Missed period Possible Unusual or abnormal period Possible Just "feeling" pregnant Possible Nausea and Vomiting Possible Changes in libido Possible Soreness of the Breasts Possible Enlargement of the...

Pregnancy Testing Information.

So, you think you might be pregnant? "Approximately four days after fertilization, the egg will start to produce a pregnancy hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hGC). A pregnancy test will detect this hormone about one week after fertilization. Most women...

Teen Pregnancy Help And Options.

If you are pregnant and unsure of your options or what to do, remember your three main options Abortion.Adoption.Keeping the baby. Give a ring to the Pregnancy Support and Advice help line by calling 1-888-4-OPTIONS So if you think you are pregnant, and you haven't...

Common Birth Control Myths.

Taken from: http://parentingteens.about.com/cs/teenssex/l/blbcmyth.htm Myth: The condom is a foolproof method of birth control. Fact: The condom is not foolproof. It has a failure rate of 4 to 15 per hundred women. Failures occur because of improper and/or...