So I always see these topics in the forums where people are looking for the quick fix answers to “coming out.” There are none! Coming out is a journey through which all must self navigate, as it is a challenge of fears and based on our own individual experiences.
Q: How do I come out?
A: This is different for everybody. It’s a matter of coming to terms with yourself and then getting the confidence and/or security to share who you are with others, which is difficult for all people. There is no real way to tell a person, as long as you do it in person, and in a safe environment. Otherwise, it’s all based on how you express yourself.
Q: I feel like I have to come out, what do I do?
A: People generally gravitate toward being themselves and feel pressure from themselves to ‘come out’ after keeping all their feelings bubbling under. So, the way you are feeling is a innate control from your inner-being to “release.” If your logical side doesn’t feel safe, then release in a private (non accessible) way. Or begin your journey on coming out.
Q: I am out to one of my friends, and he/she outed me to others! what do I do?
A: Your friend violated your trust, re-evaluate that relationship. As per ‘damage control,’ you don’t need it. There is nothing to be ashamed of, and you don’t have to confirm or deny anything. Your sexuality is your business, until you feel you want to share it with others.
Back to the point. “Coming out” is a journey, not a one day thing where the whole world must know. It takes years for you to connect with yourself (the real you) in ways you never thought, it takes work, and effort and small steps.