Okay so my exboyfriend, who broke up with me little over a year ago, called me last night crying telling me he had made a horrible mistake that he knew that he loved me and couldn't just get over me. and without my love he was worthless and that if i didn't take him back he would kill himself. i told him that i had moved on and found someone who was good to me and treated me right, my ex was mentally and physically abusing me. i loved him and stayed with him even though i know it wasn't good for me. after he broke up with me i spent a good 9 months feeling bad because i loved him and he left me. we were together for 3 years and we where engaged. we were going to get married yesterday. but i told him that he shouldn't kill himself just because i wouldn't go back to him, that he would find someone new like i did and it would just take time. i get woke up this morning by a friend of his and his roomate , asking what i told him. he left a note on his bedroom door saying, do not bother trying to wake me up, this is the one time i wont be here, i will never be back, i will never be the same, i loved her and she didn't care, so i am going to take my life, because without her i am nothing.
they broke the door down to get into his room and he had killed himself. i dont know what to i feel responsible. my current boyfriend told me that he was really messed up to do that, and in no way am i responsible. but i haven't even been able to think straight right now.
Loves Chris with all my heart. without him i do not know where i would be. he is my savior and someday i hope to help him like he has helped me.
I love you chris.