First off- I'd like to state that the mods here are charged with keeping all bashing well out of this form. But, the mods are not gods, and they cannot be everywhere at once. This is why there is a [!]Report button to the bottem right corner of every post. Anyone who ever comes across a post that is 'bashing', or otherwise breaking a suport group rule, should call that to the mods attention by pressing that button, and it will be delt with accordingly.
However, I'd also like to adress what 'bashing' is. tells us:
v. tr.To strike with a heavy, crushing blow: The thug bashed the hood of the car with a sledgehammer.
To beat or assault severely: The police arrested the men who bashed an immigrant in the park.
To criticize (another) harshly, accusatorially, and threateningly: "He bashed the... government unmercifully over the... spy affair" (Lally Weymouth).
As far as we're concerned, we can subsitute 'bashing' with, 'disrespect' and site suport group rule #4.
There will be no disrespect to others including but not limited to: Users, Administrators, Moderators, Super-Moderators, or anyone on these forums. This also means no pointing fingers. If you do not agree with the persons' opinion, you are expected to be open-minded and courteous to them.
Now then. The purpose of this forum is to "let teens talk and discuss different aspects of their religions and/or beliefs."
Talk.. discuss... share.
Inorder to do that people must express their beliefs to each other. They must do it in a corteous and respectful way. But they are still alowed to state what they believe.
People have been geting 'shareing beliefs' mixed up with 'bashing beliefs' as of late.
So lets play a game of "Bashing or shareing?" for an all expece paied trip to the land of modly favor.
Is this bashing or shareing?
1. "I disagree with mormon doctrine and beliefs, but I still respect peopels right to have those beliefs"
Shareing. This is the acceptable way to express what you think. By makeing sure it's clear that it's what -YOU- think, and you are -NOT- imposeing that belief on anyone else.
2. "I hate wiccans, their beliefs are bull shit, and they're all gona rot in hell, ha ha ha."
Now THAT my friends is bashing, and it s strickly not alowed!
3. "I am christian, and I am all knowing, my beliefs are the only right ones and anyone who dosn't agree will burn in hell while I laugh."
Again, bashing.
4. "I am very firm in my Christian beliefs, and I'm very sure of them. Yes, according to my beliefs non believers are going to hell."
NOPE! This person made it very clear that these are their beliefs, and they are not imposeing them on anyone else. They are simply shareing.
5. "I don't like christians, and I don't agree with them. Most of them are very close minded."
This isn't bashing either. Now, you can probably count on several members of this form to discount this particular oppion, but it is not outright disrespect, and it is not 'bashing'. Shareing, again.
Now then, is that clear now? I hope so. I'm greatly tiering of all the 'bashing' accusatins running around. If you're still not clear, feel free to PM me.