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Post by ~BrokenDown~ »

This place is so ammazing but it's so dead here. Nobody ever really talks and stuff. Im wondering why.. iv looked through this site and it looks as if once it was quite active. like did something tragic happen, did all the active usuers get old, or did everyone just dwindle away.. What happend? Im not realy expecting awnsers for those questions but for these next i do.. Do you see the inactivity? What made it more active before? what could be done to encourage more activity?

maby this will help.. i hope it does.

I am willing to help if help is needed.
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Re: Inactivity

Post by navynate »

[quote name='~BrokenDown~' timestamp='1304367740' post='459350']

This place is so ammazing but it's so dead here. Nobody ever really talks and stuff. Im wondering why.. iv looked through this site and it looks as if once it was quite active. like did something tragic happen, did all the active usuers get old, or did everyone just dwindle away.. What happend? Im not realy expecting awnsers for those questions but for these next i do.. Do you see the inactivity? What made it more active before? what could be done to encourage more activity?

maby this will help.. i hope it does.

I am willing to help if help is needed.


Yes, i see the inactivity.

Couldn't tell you what made it more active

Encourage... i see people join everyday i guess theres just some fear they need to get over.
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Re: Inactivity

Post by Wheretogo »

There is a huge history between this site and another one.... Od should explain it cuz i cant remember it all. But most of the members grew up and had families. Im 25 with two foster kids, some have one or two kids, and others just stopped coming by. Sometimes the old memebers dropp by just to see whats happening. Back in the day there were several members who spent alot of time on here.
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Re: Inactivity

Post by CausticTears »

Yeah, this place is awesome. It needs more new active users to keep it alive... I'm an old member and I do try to visit the site as much as I remember. But yeah, new active users is what this site really needs!
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Re: Inactivity

Post by Michie »

Maybe we are competing with all the other online communication methods, like FB and such?

I don't know...I too am a member from a while ago, and I pop by every few years just to see what's going on.

Where is everyone? I also don't think it helps when people post something and nobody responds, even those who have read the post...I personally think it's nice to just say "Hey, I read your post but I don't know how to help, but I hope you feel better" just to at least show that you care. Otherwise people will think that nobody's around here. Hopefully they find someplace else to seek help, but there's never a guarantee, you know?
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Re: Inactivity

Post by JuneB »

This post is over a year old, but I agree. It's pretty dead in here =/
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Re: Inactivity

Post by daloverlyme »

I started here 12 years or so ago! It was a busy place and non stop. Now I am 27, with 15, 8,7, 5 year olds. The originals have moved on it seems. It is hard to believe it has been this long. Wow, I guess time marches on...

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Re: Inactivity

Post by OverDrive »

I'm still here, although since i'm turning 30 in October, i'm quite far away from the Teen Scene, so I keep to the "housework" of the site - keeping it up, keeping it updated, keeping it available for people to use. Occasionally I give general advice, however since I've been out of my teens for 12 years, It's harder to relate now.
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Re: Inactivity

Post by sabzy »

Well I'm new here, and after seeing this, I can tell you I'm trying!

I guess to anyone else new... come on people, if I can do it (and I'm a really shy person, even online I only ever read and look at stuff without ever commenting/liking/reblogging or whatever) then so can you!
Let go of your grudges. Let the bitterness die tonight. Make a decision today that it's time to move on. And begin again. New, this time. Never forget that what has passed you by was never meant to befall you. And what has befallen you, was never meant to pass you by. Know that sometimes Allah withholds from you, in order to give you something better. Keep your heart focused on Him, and He will take care of the rest. And remember: you will stumble, but that’s part of the path. Keep going. Keep rising, and refuse to give up.
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Re: Inactivity

Post by sabzy »

Actually, having browsed around, maybe it's because a lot of the threads are kinda old? Like if they're from over a year ago, maybe people just can't see any point in replying?
Let go of your grudges. Let the bitterness die tonight. Make a decision today that it's time to move on. And begin again. New, this time. Never forget that what has passed you by was never meant to befall you. And what has befallen you, was never meant to pass you by. Know that sometimes Allah withholds from you, in order to give you something better. Keep your heart focused on Him, and He will take care of the rest. And remember: you will stumble, but that’s part of the path. Keep going. Keep rising, and refuse to give up.
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