to ME!
January 11, 2003 - January 11, 2018
That's right!
15 years ago - I joined HelpingTeens.
HelpingTeens brought me great joy. It was wonderful to hear people be open and honest about what they were going through. It's easy - even for someone who is no longer a teen - to believe the LIE that 'most people' have all of their 'stuff' together. And that 'most people' are OK and happy with their lives. But LIFE - I have discovered - is not about 'being happy'. It's about becoming something better than we are. NOT better than someone else. But a better version of us. I like to think that I'm a wiser and more compassionate person TODAY than I was 10 years ago. [Or 15 years ago!] And I hope that I'll be even more so 10 years from now. The ONE THING that I think we ALL learn as we age is that it's such an incredible waste of time and energy to hold grudges. Even IF what someone did or said to us is deserving of our negative thoughts and feelings - it serves US no purpose to have them. [Those thoughts and feelings that is!] It only gets in the way of us becoming better.
So... how long have YOU been a member of HelpingTeens? And what has it meant to you?
BY THE WAY.... it's not a secret that HelpingTeens has become a bit of a ghost-town. But it's just as important today as it ever was. And I encourage all of us to do our best [i.e. post NEW messages and replies] to bring HelpingTeens back to life!