Discussion: Do you believe in Heaven?

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Discussion: Do you believe in Heaven?

Post by nirvana »

Basically, do you believe in heaven? And if so, what do you believe it is like? Do you also believe in hell as well?

I'm just curious, as it's one thing I've never been able to understand, even when I was christian heaven made no sense to me....how could our souls live beyond our body without a brain to function them. Sciencey brain, bad :p

I think I have came to an unknown conclusion, I'll just wait and see what happens and be pleasantly surprised hopefully.
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Re: Discussion: Do you believe in Heaven?

Post by Barbies are Evil »

I kinda believe we make our own heaven, or own hell.......like when we die, we either go to our greatest dream, or our worst nightmare.
TJ[10:13 PM]: no not really..... it's all so.... like wow..... screw steps, you took a fuckin jet pack and strapped it on yourself and rocketed your way forward (thats my big bro)

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Re: Discussion: Do you believe in Heaven?

Post by OverDrive »

I believe in neither. I believe when you die, you just cease to exist.
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Re: Discussion: Do you believe in Heaven?

Post by Mexico »

Yeah I believe...

I believe it is like everything you love times 100000000000000....


beyond anything you will ever experience in Earth.
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Re: Discussion: Do you believe in Heaven?

Post by CausticTears »

Unfortunately, I believe there is no life after death. Just nothingness. I would love to believe there is a heaven, or life after death... but it does not seem realistic to me.
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Re: Discussion: Do you believe in Heaven?

Post by Eoin_The_Irish_Khajiit »

Well it seems everyone I know that had a near death experience, like died and came back, they always saw what they would think a heaven would be like. So, I think that all religions are right and wrong. It is up to the individual person for heaven. I think when you die, what you want to happen, happens. I mean in universe is infinite, and there might be different dimensions. anything is possible.
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