Taken From: http://www.whosoever.org/issue4/issue4_tips.html
- Do not run screaming from the room. This is rude.
- If you must back away, do so slowly and with discretion.
- Do not assume he/she is attracted to you.
- Do not assume he/she is not attracted to you.
- Do not expect him/her to be as excited about meeting a heterosexual as you may be about meeting a homosexual. He/she was probably raised with straight people.
- Do not immediately start talking about your boy/girlfriend or husband/wife in order to make it clear that you are straight. He/she probably already knows.
- Do not ask him/her how he/she got that way. Instead, ask yourself how you got the way you are.
- Do not assume he/she is dying to talk about being homosexual.
- Do not expect him/her to refrain from talking about being homosexual.
- Do not trivialize his/her experience by assuming it is a bedroom issue only. He/she is homosexual 24 hours a day.