by PJ Ferdinandi | Oct 12, 2003 | Disorders & Eating Disorders
WARNING: Just because you may have symptoms of some of these disorders, it does NOT mean that you have them. Any suspicions you have should be taken to a doctor. DO NOT diagnose yourself. Dissociative Personality Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) Dissociation...
by PJ Ferdinandi | Oct 1, 2003 | Bullies
Bullies aren’t just found in school. Unfortunately bullies are found everywhere, from school, at work and even to some people, the war on terrorism is viewed at bullying. This is not something we can get rid of but we can learn to cope with it. Don’t act...
by PJ Ferdinandi | Oct 1, 2003 | Self Esteem
There is something that you can do anywhere that works great to get you in a better mood and have a little bit better of self esteem and no one has to know about it. Write things that you don’t like about yourself. For every bad thing you write, write two things...