by ~*~AiM_uSeR~*~ | Nov 16, 2007 | Sex, Sexuality & Pregnancy
I just wanted to say to those that are out and to those whom are closeted: do not be afraid to be yourself. For a little over 16 years i was who people wanted me to be and i hated it. Day after day of depression because life wasn’t good enough and people still...
by ~*~AiM_uSeR~*~ | Nov 16, 2007 | Sex, Sexuality & Pregnancy
Today we had a field trip to the local University to learn about HIV/AIDS and there was a fiftyish year old guy there that was HIV positive and he was talking about his growing up in school and he said that he envied our generation because we are much more open than...
by ~*~AiM_uSeR~*~ | Nov 16, 2007 | Sex, Sexuality & Pregnancy
There are psychological stages in your journey to coming to terms with your sexuality. These stages could take you years to surpass or days depending on who you are. If you have been in a stage for a while, do not be sad or feel wimpy or anything because some stages...